crash – NSX Advanced Load Balancer (Avi Vantage)

28 February 2022 Off By arnaud

After upgrading an AVI load balancer environment from 18.2.6 to 21.1.3, the following issue popped up in the CLI.

Feb 26 12:44:40 Avi-Controller / on node (avicontroller.local) crash -- Pls investigate further. core_archive.20220226_124146.tar.gz generated

This error was only visible in the controller CLI whenever a backup was taken. It had to be related. And so it was. Every time before a backup is taken, some configuration validation is being done by the AVI load balancer. If you think you face the same issue, you can trigger the check with the following command. If you don’t see the above issue after this has ran, you are probably facing another issue.

export PYTHONPATH=/opt/avi/python/lib:/opt/avi/python/bin/portal &&  export DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=portal.settings_local && /opt/avi/python/bin/portal/ export_configuration --file /tmp/avi_config.json --check_config

Be sure you are logged in as root on the controller. This can be achieved by following these steps:

  1. SSH to the leader controller as admin
  2. Switch to root by executing sudo su and provide the admin password again

If you are facing this issue, the engineering team told me that this bug will not have any impact on the environment. And until the fix has been implemented, I haven’t seen any impact. It’s just about some dangling references in the upgrade history. The latest version 21.1.3 with patch 2p1 on top of it, doesn’t include a fix yet.

Nevertheless, If you want to get rid of this error, you should contact VMware support. They will help you to remove these dangling references. Or just wait for a newer version or patch.

Have a nice day!